reviewing process

On receipt of the submission, the editors will check that:
- The submission complies with the journal's editorial policy, and more specifically that it falls within the field of management sciences.
- The manuscript is anonymous. This means that the names of the authors should not be given in the manuscript, and that authors should avoid providing information that could identify them, for example through abusive self-citations. Authors must also ensure that the properties of the electronic document submitted do not allow the authors to be identified.
- The manuscript is original, i.e. that the proposed article has not already been published in a journal or book, in French or another language. The manuscript must not be submitted at the same time to another journal. Each author must complete and sign an exclusivity form. If plagiarism is suspected, the manuscript is submitted to anti-plagiarism software by the journal's Editorial Committee.
At this stage, the editors can ask authors to resubmit the manuscript if necessary. They may also reject the manuscript if it does not conform to the editorial line, as part of a "desk reject" procedure.

As soon as the submission meets these conditions, the editors appoint two referees, chosen for their scientific expertise. The reviewers assess the manuscript anonymously. If the reviewers identify strong similarities with existing articles, they will inform the editors-in-chief. The reviewers will point out any significant publication related to the article that has not yet been cited. The reviewers may ask the authors to provide the raw data used for the research.
If there is a discrepancy between the two reports submitted by the reviewers, a third reviewer is appointed to help the editors make an editorial decision.
At the end of each round of reviewing, the editors-in-chief inform the authors of the editorial decision, and indicate the follow-up to the review, rejection or continuation process. If necessary, the editors will specify the extent of any changes required.
The revised version must be accompanied by a separate document in which the authors indicate that the requested changes have been taken into account.

Once the article has been accepted, the authors send a finalised Word version to the publisher, together with their surnames, first names, institutions and a biographical note of around 5 lines. In the case of a paper written by more than one author, the order of surnames is defined by the authors.