Objectives and mission
The journal
Recherche et Cas en Sciences de Gestion (RCSG) aims to promote the
creation and dissemination of case studies in management sciences.
The journal welcomes proposals for articles based on case
studies in management science, with a dual pedagogical and research
perspective. Case studies are intended to serve ambitious
knowledge-transmission objectives, by helping students,
professionals and teacher-researchers to integrate current
scientific knowledge in a given field .
As part of the editorial line, three documents are submitted by the
authors: (1) a case study, (2) a solutions and facilitation guide,
and (3) an academic article, written to university standards. The
latter draws on a literature review to present the most recent
research and address the key issues raised by the case. The journal
meets the standards of peer-reviewed academic journals, and was
initially recognized as an emerging journal by the FNEGE in 2016.
The journal changed its format and editorial
line in 2017 to better serve the mission that has driven it since
its inception: to promote the case study as an object that brings
teaching and research closer together. To mark the evolution of the
journal's editorial line, the Revue des Cas en Gestion
(ISSN:2117-802X) has changed its title to Recherche et Cas en
Sciences de Gestion (RCSG). The journal has been referenced on the
Cairn database since 2017. It has been ranked rank 4 by the Fnege
since 2019 and rank C by the HCERES since 2021. The journal is a
partner of the academic association in management sciences, ADERSE
(Association pour le Développement de l'Enseignement et de la
Recherche sur la Responsabilité Sociale de l'Entreprise) and several
special issues in partnership with academic associations: AFC
(Association Francophone de Comptabilité), AIRL (Association
Internationale de Recherche en Logistique), AIM (Association
Information et Management), and ADERSE.
Name: Recherche et Cas en Sciences de Gestion (RCSG)
ISSN: 2646-6546
ISSN (online):
Editions EMS, 136 Bd Maréchal Leclerc,
14000 Caen
Review Process: Double-blind peer
Article processing charges (APC): none
Submission fee: none
Frequency: biannual, 2 issues per year
Digital Archiving: Bibliothèque
Nationale de France, Cairn,
Editions EMS
Attractiveness: Journal ranked 4 Fnege, Journal ranked C HCERES